Junior cricket is central to everything we do at Southgate Cricket Club. We’re committed to providing a high quality and fun environment for young cricketers to learn and develop their skills.
If you're interested in your child joining the club please fill in the registration form.
You may also be interested in our code of conduct and privacy notice.
If you have any questions regarding the club or the opportunities for junior players, please contact Scott Ellis, Head of Junior Cricket on coaching@southgatecc.com or 07807856058.
SUMMER Training
Summer coaching takes place on Monday and Friday evenings between 15th April and 26th July (including Bank Holidays). We also offer holiday coaching camps during the Summer holidays. Details of these will be published closer to the time.
Under 9s - Monday 5pm-6pm
Under 11s and Under 15s - Monday 6.00m-8.00pm
Under 13s and Under 17s - Friday 6.00pm-8.00pm
Ages 6-9: – £100
Ages 9-17: – £150
(If you have two children taking part, we will deduct £50 from the overall cost.)
Payment must be made on-line direct to the club’s account:
Southgate CC
A/c no: 60854263
Sort code: 20-29-77
Ash Hosein
Ash is our main juniors coach so look out for him at the Walker ground on Monday evenings.
Ash & Scott will welcome as much help as he can get from parents and senior players so if you are able to assist with any of the sessions below or any of the matches listed here then please let us know at coaching@southgatecc.com